Sunday, August 3, 2008

One Year

Today marks the one year anniversary of the day that we met our son Will... Blake and I have been reflecting today about how wonderful our life is with him in it.

On January 26, 2007, we received our immigration clearance and waited with anticipation to see the face of the son that God had already chosen for our family. There were multiple infants available through our agency and when the time came Blake wanted to recieve information on a few children and make a decision... I, on the other hand, could not imagine choosing one child over the other and demanded :) that we simply allow the agency to choose the child and send us the information. Blake consented and within a few hours I opened up by email to see an email entitled "Julio Cesar"... We burst out laughing before opening the email because Blake had been jokingly referring to our future son as "Julio" for months! What are the chances that our agency would match us with the only infant with that name? Before we even saw his face, we knew that God has pre-destined this little boy for us... And we had never even noticed his picture, therefore would not have chosen him if we had chosen for ourselves. How gracious God was to us...

On August 3, 2007, Blake and I boarded a plane at 7:00 for Atlanta and from Atlanta to Guatemala City, Guatemala. In the lobby of the Raddison Hotel at 6:00 we were tapped on the shoulder and asked if we were the Ring family by a young lady. We anxiously responded "yes" and she pointed to a petite lady standing across the room holding the little boy whose face we recognized immediately...

As we watched Will playing today, Blake and I were overwhelmed with our love for our son and the goodness God showered on our family by gifting him to us!
Pictures From Our First Day With Will
The first photo of the Ring's as a family of 3
The Ring's and Will's foster mother... We are so greatful for the wonderful care she took of our precious little boy!
Our first night at dinner
Our celebratory dinner in Guatemala - TGI Fridays! :)
A Daddy's boy from day 1...
First photo with Daddy
First photo with Mom... Can you see the smile on my face?
We love you precious little boy...

1 comment:

Florida Poppop said...

Dear Lyd and Blake,

We have followed this process from the time your mom told us what you had decided to do and we too have grown to love little Scooter too.

We wish you God's blessings.

Grams and Poppop

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