Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Just Like Momma's

You know those dishes that you take you back? Those meals you grew up eating and can still remember exactly how they taste, exactly how they look, exactly how they smell.
Shepherd's Pie is one of those meals for me.
I was working on my meal plan last month and asked mom for the recipe.
She had no recipe. :)
We put our heads together and came up with this:
2 lbs ground beef
frozen green peas
4-5 yukon gold potatoes
Shredded cheddar cheese
BBQ Sauce
Salt and Pepper
Cook the ground beef. Drain the grease. Alternate the BBQ sauce and Ketchup until you are happy with the flavor! :) Salt and pepper that meat up too! :) Then throw in some frozen green peas - As much or as little as you please. Bring your peeled and quartered potatoes to a boil. I have discovered the secret of yukon gold mashed potatoes and I am pretty sure I will never go back to Russet potatoes. Yukons are creamy and buttery. And the almost full stick of butter you will add as you mash them probably helps. :) Add room temperature butter and salt to taste... Layer the potatoes on top of the beed and peas. Then top with shredded cheddar cheese. I think that when you shred if from a block it melts better, but feel free to buy it in a bag! :) I have a food processor so that makes it easy to shred! :)

Bake it at 350 for about 30 minutes.


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