Tuesday, March 20, 2012


My second ultrasound was this morning. It has felt like we have been waiting on pins and needles since our first one. Not a single night has passed without me finding myself awake, thinking and praying for these precious babies.

The ultrasound lasted about 30 minutes and our technician was kind and compassionate. She encouraged us about their growth and the strength of their heartbeats. She worked her way around as much as she could searching for the membrane. We left the room without assurance that one was visable, though encouraged that she "thought" she saw a thin one.

Our doctor studied the results and the photos and came in with some relief. She was pretty sure that there was a membrane visible in the photos. And she even thinks that they are going to have their own placenta's. These are both HUGE game changers... They move us from the "highest of high risk to a low/moderate high risk category" she told us. What an answer to prayer. We have been praying constantly for the health of these sweet ones. We are scheduled for a 3rd ultrasound in 4 weeks and that will hopefully be the pretty little bow on top of the news we were delivered today - Absolute confirmation is what they think they will discover at that ultrasound.

When we reached the van(that will not hold 5 car seats), both Blake and I let out a huge sigh of relief.

The Lord has really worked on the hearts of Blake and I these past 2 weeks... Many have asked if we are nervous about 2 newborns, 5 children 5 and under, or ready for all of the changes that the Lord is bringing...Honestly, we have put very little thought into the hardships. The Lord gifted us with 2 weeks of constant reminding that life is precious and we are simply overwhelmingly thankful for the health of these babies. Today, we are finding ourselves so grateful for our 5 children, that the midnight feedings and need to trade in our van are a blessing in our eyes. We know, without a shadow of a doubt, that the Lord is good all of the time... No matter what.


The Murphys said...

I'm so glad your ultrasound went well and things are looking good with the babies. Praying for you guys :)

Marshman Family Album said...

and be encouraged that even when it is difficult he will not abandon you in that place.You will come out of this season so strong because you grew to be so dependent on his grace! I am excited for your family and for all of the ways God is going to show himself GRAND to you!

AND, will laugh so hard if it is two girls!!! Poor Blake and Will!! :)

Fun times my friend!

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