Friday, September 12, 2008


Will has been enjoying books recently. He loves to have them read to him... As long as he can turn the pages as often as he wants! :) While we were waiting to bring Will home I enjoyed collecting what I think are sweet, loving books. Will prefers pop ups and books with fuzzy clouds. I enjoy reading my small collection to myself while I watch Will play or Riley sleep... Maybe one day they will love them as much as I do. Here is one of my favorites...

One day I counted your fingers and kissed each one. One day the first snow flakes fell, and I held you up and watched them melt on your baby skin. One day you crossed the street and held my hand tight. Then, you were my baby, and now you are my child. Sometimes, when you sleep, I watch you dream, and I dream to...That someday you will dive into the cool, clear water of a lake. Someday you will walk into a deep wood. Someday your eyes will be filled so deep with a joy they shine. Someday you will run so fast and so far that your heart will feel like fire. Someday you will swing high - So high, higher then you ever dared to swing. Someday you will hear something so sad that you will fold up with sorrow. Someday you will call a song to the wins and the wind will carry your song away. Someday I will stand on this porch and watch your arms waving to me until I no longer see you. Someday you will look at this house and wonder how something that feels so big can look so small. Someday you will feel a small weight against your strong back. Someday I will watch you brushing your child's hair. Someday, a long time from now, your own hair will glow silver in the sun. And when that day comes, love, you will remember me.


Marshman Family Album said...

When I first read this book out loud I began to sob like a baby! Jeff and Georgia thought I was crazy but it is an amazing book about motherhood!

Tami@ourhouse said...

Hey Lydia- thanks for the comment- you know, I think about your mom all the time and draw from her wisdom (from the past, but I still remember!) as I go through my days as a mom.

Congrats on the sleep Riley recently got. We are 'cry it out' parents (in moderation, of course!) and the resulting sleep has been a huge benefit to our family- I always say that is the only way I could have had more children! :)

God's richest blessings to you guys... keep in touch, ok? I was so happy to see your name on my blog!

Leah said...

So sweet!!! But so true isn't it!- Holly

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