Thursday, May 23, 2013


Emery Ann...

I feel like this girl has grown up the most(out of the big 3) these past several months. She has glided rather smoothly from being the baby to the middle child.

Emery easily dresses herself. She opens the fridge for her drink. She can get out all of her own crafting things. She has added such ease to my life with these huge accomplishments!

Three has been a wonderful year so far... Emery counts and knows her colors and some letters. Emery loves to help - fold clothes, make her bed, set the table, fix dinner. She loves, loves, loves her big siblings. Especially Riley. The bond between these sisters is something dear. I love that she easily flows from playing house with Riley to pirates with Will - Oh, the imagination of a child.

She loves all things girlie... Loves for me to do her hair. "Can I have 'ipstick'?" translates to her requesting lipstick. Regularly. And she asks for her fingernails and toenails to be painted regularly as well...

This girl is spunky! I ask for a kiss and she will give me her cheek.  Emery is tender-hearted... Even if wronged by her sister or brother, she begs(with tears) that they not be disciplined! So much of her personality it still being formed - still in the beginning stages - but I can tell you that she longs to be right with us. She apologizes on her own more then either of her siblings - almost combined. What a precious desire...

1 comment:

RosieBoo said...

I feel like she's grown so fast! My little birthday buddy will always hold a special place in my heart. :-)

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