Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Adjusting To Our New Normal

I can hardly believe that it has been 4 weeks since Emery joined our family... Only 3 weeks since our family of 5 began living our "new normal"!

Emery has melted into our family so smoothly. Will and Riley actually LOVE their baby sister - That has made the last few weeks much easier. Em is an easy going baby girl. She generally sleeps pretty well at night. Not EVERY night, but most! :) She naps well during the day. She rides well in the car. She likes car rides so much that she often sleeps in her car seat at night. Whatever works right now - We can work on getting her in her cradle later on.

The children are adjusting beautifully... I was terrified of 3, but it has been easier for me then 2 actually. Granted I have yet to attempt to leave the home alone with all 3. :) Will loves to hold Emery and regularly asks "more baby". Riley love to sit by me while Emery eats her bottle and feed her baby a bottle. Blake is back in full swing at work. My iron finally reached a normal level this week... It has been a 4 week process with 10 iv iron transfusions and b12 shots. I see the dr on Monday and have what is hopefully my last iron transfusion and b12 shot. They took alot of blood this past week and are running more tests to determine the reason my iron dropped so much.

We are hoping to put our home back on the market soon - Our 1000 sq feet appears to close in on us sometimes. :)
Our new "normal" is slightly chaotic and hectic. We are tired alot. There is no free time. Always dirty clothes and dishes. We often have stubbed toes from the toys strewn all over the house... And yet we LOVE it! This is the perfect normal for us!

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